February PMReply Natalia Barrios
The difference between being unique and different with creativity active good sense. manage to have an open and fresh mind and the unknown to transmit security to people for their own purpose.People dont buy what WHAT you do people buy WHY you do it. Therefore the way to get someone to join you in a 100 productive way whether by buying from you or by joining your work team is by connecting your emotions with theirs people who believe in the same thing you believe in. So that what moves you is your inner motivation. This way they will be doing things for themselves not for you.
But they will believe in the same thing and will continue by your side. February PMReply Jiovanna Andrea Escobar Rodrguez The golden circle helps us understand USA Phone Number List why people want to purchase certain products that others have. This has a close relationship in why they do things and the passion in doing things. Why they do things has to do with the beliefs or instincts they have because there will always be someone who has the same beliefs as you and for that reason will choose to obtain our products or services. Simon Sinek says that we should speak from the inside out and it is true because when we let ourselves be guided.
By our positive emotions we will attract positive energy. We must allow ourselves to be guided by leaders so that we learn from them and reach a point where others believe in us. February PMReply Valeria Leal Cortes It is a very interesting article where it is essential to be clear about the Why the How and the What of things to obtain different results. From Simon Sineks conference how great leaders inspire action the phrase People dont buy what you do they buy why you do it caught my attention. |